Scented Christmas Hand Warmers

These pretty Scented Christmas Hand Warmers make the perfect last-minute holiday gift for your loved ones.

When you live on a farm and raise animals in a place where it gets cold in the winter, there's no way around it - you're going to be spending a lot of time outside.

And mittens or gloves don't always work well when you're doing farm chores because you need to keep your fingers exposed to untie things, or unlatch things, or give your chickens a petting.

I do wear fingerless mittens most of the time in the winter, but the tips of my fingers still get cold! So that led me to make some cute Valentine "conversation heart" hand warmers a couple of years ago. 

It was so nice to be able to plunge my hands into my coat pockets to warm up for a minute. So this year I decided to make some Christmas-themed hand warmers. 

These pretty scented Christmas hand warmers make the perfect last-minute holiday gift. 

They sew up really fast using just a few simple materials. And for a fun twist, I even mixed some holiday spices into the rice that fills the hand warmers!

Scented Christmas Hand Warmers

What you Need

And old flannel shirt or pajamas (raid your closet or head to a second hand shop or Goodwill)
Coordinating thread
Short piece of ribbon (maybe 12" long)
Uncooked rice
Ground spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg
Small funnel 

What you Do

  • Stir some of the spices into the rice in a bowl and set aside. (I used about a cup of rice for each hand warmer and maybe 1/4 teaspoon of each spice.)
  • Cut two 5" squares for each hand warmer.
  • Then, with one piece of fabric on top of the other, trim off the two bottom corners and continue cutting to form two identical heart shapes.
  • With the two hearts stacked on top of each other, form a loop in your ribbon and tuck it between the two pieces of fabric with the loop centered at the top and the tails hanging down.
  • Using a sewing machine, or hand sewing, with the two hearts stacked on top of each other, stitch along close to the edge, leaving a 1" opening along one of the sides. (Be sure not to sew the tails!)
  • Carefully trim around the heart as close to the stitching as you can. Then turn your heart right side out. 
  • Tie the tails of the ribbon into a bow and trim the ends if necessary.
  • Now, using the funnel, fill your heart with the rice so it's firm but not too hard.
  • Finally neatly hand stitch the opening closed and you're done!

The hand warmers look so cute in a bowl on the counter and it's convenient to grab two, pop them in the dryer for a minute or two to heat them, tuck them into your jacket pockets and head down to the barn.

They should stay warm for half an hour or longer. And that makes for nice toasty hands. Plus, they smell like Christmas! 

As a sweet surprise, slip one into the jacket pocket of your kids or significant other as you both head out the door to school, work or to do farm chores!

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